Today Seth came home from school so excited to tell us the news. Friday is "Beach Day" at school and he said every girl in the school is going to be wearing their ZUCCHINIS! I can't think of anything cuter. Can you?
My name is Lisa and I'm the mutha to 5, wife to 1 and loving life. I live in a beautiful place North of Eden and South of Paradise if you can imagine. Our oldest son Jed is serving a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in the Adriatic South Mission. You can follow his adventures the next 2 years, and well as what the Clawson's are eating most days of the week:)
We told Tyler what Seth said and then asked him what he should have said and he said "boobkinis". Oh to be 6 again.(size 6 that is)Ha ha. Aloha MOM