Thursday, June 30, 2011


Jane Juliet Clawson was born Monday June 13, 2011 at 5:07pm.  She weighed in at 7 lbs. 11oz. and 20 inches long.  What a treat she is to have in our home.  Jane decided to come fast.  All of my children have been born fairly quickly.  5 hours from water breaking to delivery on all of them.  But Jane takes the cake.    All of my children have been very easy deliveries by most standards, but the last two babies made me decide that if I ever had another baby I was going to do a home birth.  I won't stand on my soap box, or be an at home advocate, but for James and me this was the right choice.  My last two deliveries were in the hospital, but we decided to go natural, and with nothing extra, medication or IV wise.  We went to the hospital with our minds set, but we felt like we had to fight for everything we wanted.  Hospital just do their thing the way they know best, and for most people that's great, but I hate it.  I hate shots, IV's, and the way epidurals made me feel.  Both of the last two deliveries were unattended.  Jake was born with 2 emergency room doctors running in at the last minute since no other doctor was around, and Seth was the same way.  The doctor made it the last push, and barely caught him.  I remember telling James if we ever had another baby we were doing it at home.  No pressure, no chaos, no needles, no screaming nurses.  Just us and a midwife.

By the time I realized I was actually in labor it was only an hour later that Jane was born.  So if you can do a little math, here's the scenario.  Midwife is in Layton.  I live in Avon.  Time in transit is 1 hour and 5 minutes to be exact.  Therefore Jane was delivered by her dad.  Yep, James delivered Jane and did an amazing job keeping it all together.  I knew that the midwife wouldn't make it in time, but everything was going just the same as with the last two kids.   All was perfect.  I knew exactly where I was time wise by how things were feeling.  I let James know that the midwife wouldn't quite make it, and he set to work.  Birthing tub was filled, hospital pads set out, towels warming in the dryer, and even a call to our local florist.   All went amazingly well.  She came out and immediately started crying.  She pinked right up.  There we sat, the three of us just hugging, and kissing, and being completely happy.  The midwife was on the phone with James as soon as Jane was born letting him know what to do.  He was amazing.  He's told me since, he was nervous, but he did an amazing job and never let it show.  I never felt his stress, and for me this was the most wonderful experience.  As I lay in my own bed minutes after, nursing a perfect little girl I just smiled.  James commented on how happy I looked.  I would do everything exactly the same if I had the chance.

We didn't tell many people because as you know everyone has their own opinion of home births.   Most of it is very negative.  My parent knew and every time I saw or talked to my dad he'd put in his, "Won't you please go to the hospital?"  My mom was encouraging.  She always had an encouraging word.  My grandma was absolutely relieved when I called to tell her all was well.  My sibling think I'm a pioneer who really does live in the wilderness.  I've had my own opinion of some people who deliver at home.  Everyone has a horror story.  I did a lot of research and talked to as many people as I could.  I met with a few different midwifes before picking the one I used.  Heather my midwife has been delivering babies for 15 years, and has delivered more than 800.  She was knowledgeable, smart, confident, but yet when asked about certain scenarios she wasn't overly confident.  I wanted someone who was smart enough to transport if necessary and knew her limits.  I get asked if I had regular prenatal care, and I can say this pregnancy was the best in that respect.  I had more questions answered and one on one communication with my health care provider than ever before.  Also I'm asked if I was given all the tests that a regular OB does.  The answer to that is yes as well.  The state of Utah requires a lot of testing, and even a midwife has to meet the states requirements.  Also I'm RH negative and require a rhogam shot during pregnancy, and after delivery.  Heather is qualified to do all that.  She is qualified to do a lot more as well.  I felt totally at easy with using a midwife.  I also knew what my body does, and how a normal pregnancy should be.

The other day James was talking with a friend and they asked about the baby.  When they heard about the delivery at home his response to James was, "I didn't know you were one of those people."  We aren't one of "those" people.  We're just normal people who wanted to have a baby our way.  We aren't too granola, or natural or holistic.  We don't eat organic, and I love white bread as well as wheat bread.  I shop at Wal-mart as well as Trader Joe's when I get a chance.  But having a baby at home was perfect for us.  The experience of having a baby is empowering for me.  I feel strong.  I feel like I'm a part of the whole process.  Babies are beautiful, and such a gift from heaven.  I am grateful to be a mom to 5 beautiful, perfect kids.


  1. Fantastic! I'm so glad all went well for you guys. I like that you say you felt empowered. I think that is one of the gifts of motherhood, being empowered to care for your child no matter what.

    I'm not one of "those people" either, but the more I hear about friends' experiences with both hospital and home births the more inclined I am to some day have a home birth if I can.

    Thanks for sharing.

  2. Congratulations! I'm so glad everything went well! She's darling!

  3. Lisa, I am so glad you had such a wonderful experience. I think Ginafer told you that I have had all my babies at home. The responses I got when people found out where I was having the baby confused me. "You're so brave", "How can you stand the pain", "isn't that so dangerous".

    In reality, I'm not brave, I just prefer to have my baby in MY home, surrounded by people that love him/her/me. I don't like shots, and I especially don't like people to tell me things that they think I 'should' do, and that there is only one safe way to have a baby. It's not dangerous (don't get me wrong I am aware of certain circumstances), and pain is pain. You work through it the best way you can.

    I get chills after a birth. It is very difficult to explain the sense of empowerment that comes after having your baby, your way.

    When I had my first child at home I got so much antagonism for choosing a home birth I stopped telling people. I believe that you have to make the right choice for you and your family. I could go on the defensive about the dangers of hospital deliveries, but I prefer to let people choose and not feel guilty wherever they choose to have their baby. I wish I got the same respect.

    That being said, I am so happy for you and James. I love home births-- or anything that encourages a woman to use all of the power she has been blessed with. Thanks for sharing your story.


  4. Oh the tears! I am so happy for you and your family! The whole time I was reading this my goose bumps wouldn't go away. I love how beautifully you told this. I felt like I was right there with you. (i wish i could have documented this sweet experience) Maybe some day I will be able to. I can't wait to meet sweet Jane! Congratulations! I Love your Guts:)

  5. Lisa!!! I just found out you were pregnant a month ago and was SO happy!! CONGRATULATIONS to you and James. YAY for babies! YAY for a sister for Emma! I sure love you guys and always tell Derek about the good old days at the Bakery. Oh... and I love your blog... and your yummy recipes too.

    PS... Derek is jealous of your chickens. He keeps trying to convince me that we NEED them on our .11 acre in downtown SLC.

  6. Congratulations to the Clawsons! She's absolutely beautiful! Beatuiful blessings and best of luck to you all!

  7. congrats clawson family! what a beautiful experience and i am so jealous of your ability to birth at home. what an amazing memory for your house and family to have, way to go!

  8. Lisa, you are so inspiring! You are such an amazing woman. You have such a great family and you and James (Bishop) have done such and amazing job raising your kids! They sure are something. I hope to be like you one day;)
